Posts in Environment
Does your work environment cause you stress?

With many organisations considering the option of having a hybrid or flex option for their team to work from home and work from the office, the importance of how our work environment or place of work affects our health and wellbeing may be underestimated.

Along with the management of ergonomics, slips, trips, falls and manual handling, we also need to consider temperature, noise, and how our surroundings make us feel?

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Managing upper respiratory health in the wake of the Australian bushfires

Some people are generally susceptible to upper respiratory infections (URI's) and they are one of the most common forms of infection around.  URI's include the common cold, allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, epiglottitis and tracheobronchitis.  This kind of infection can be caused by both viruses and bacteria.  When you have conditions where you have high exposure to respiratory pathogens and airborne toxins, for example from bushfires and smoke drift, along with acute or chronic stress, then you have a recipe for higher and more severe incidents of URI's and aggravated allergies.

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What is nutritional medicine and what does a nutritionist do?

While studying and when opening my clinic, I was often asked a couple of questions, “what is Nutritional Medicine?” and “why would I see a nutritionist?”. This article provides some insight into the world of Nutritional Medicine and what I do as a clinical nutritionist.

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