Posts in Nutrition
Managing upper respiratory health in the wake of the Australian bushfires

Some people are generally susceptible to upper respiratory infections (URI's) and they are one of the most common forms of infection around.  URI's include the common cold, allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, epiglottitis and tracheobronchitis.  This kind of infection can be caused by both viruses and bacteria.  When you have conditions where you have high exposure to respiratory pathogens and airborne toxins, for example from bushfires and smoke drift, along with acute or chronic stress, then you have a recipe for higher and more severe incidents of URI's and aggravated allergies.

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The cost of overweight and obesity in the workplace

Excess body weight and lack of physical activity is known to contribute to chronic health conditions.   Australia ranks in the worst third of OECD countries for obesity among people over the age of 15 with a whopping 63% of Australians said to be either overweight or obese.  And this trend is on the increase; back in 2004 - 2005, the National Health Survey indicated that just over half of us (54%) were classified as overweight or obese.  We have a growing problem (pun intended).

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Do your teams have the guts to be high performing?

High performing organisations need high performing staff; that’s just a given nowadays.  But did you know that one of the ways we can assist our people to be high performing is to make sure they have a healthy gut?

To have the capacity to be creative, solution oriented, innovative and resilient we need good brain function and if you want a brain that functions optimally, the best place to start is the gut. Although it may not be apparent at first, the gut and brain are very closely linked.  Good gut health naturally supports your mood, cognition and mental performance.

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It's time to supercharge your brain; how to eat for optimal brain function.

The food that we eat can influence how the brain operates. Some foods can interfere with how the brain works. However, if you focus your diet on the nutrients that the brain needs, you can support optimal brain function improving your cognition, mood, sleep, creativity and innovation.

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Easy ways to boost your energy and productivity naturally

If I had a dollar for every time I hear a busy professional say how they are tired and how they struggle to get through the day, I’d be a very rich girl indeed.

 The right nutrition can have an immediate impact on your energy, concentration and performance.  This article provides you with some nutritional tips to boost your energy and productivity naturally.

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What is nutritional medicine and what does a nutritionist do?

While studying and when opening my clinic, I was often asked a couple of questions, “what is Nutritional Medicine?” and “why would I see a nutritionist?”. This article provides some insight into the world of Nutritional Medicine and what I do as a clinical nutritionist.

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Its time to take control of your health!

At first its fun.  You're performing every day, giving it your all, and loving the thrill of the game.  You strive to do it all and have it all.  You work hard and play harder.  You have a successful career, wonderful family and you're upstanding in the community.

And then it happens, you start to get tired, put on weight, and lose your mojo.  Your get-up-and-go just got-up-and-went.  You feel tired all the time and lack motivation.  You feel like you are losing your memory, have trouble focusing, and have brain fog.

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To be Gluten Free (GF) or not to be? That is the question.

Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye and most oats and can cause health concerns for people with Coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity. Coeliac disease affects about 1% of the population although it is believed that up to 75% of cases go undiagnosed. Gluten sensitivity is said to affect 6 – 10% of the population; gluten sensitivity is considered to be where you have been tested negative for Coeliac disease but show improvement in your health when gluten is removed from the diet.

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