Managing upper respiratory health in the wake of the Australian bushfires

Some people are generally susceptible to upper respiratory infections (URI's) and they are one of the most common forms of infection around.  URI's include the common cold, allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, epiglottitis and tracheobronchitis.  This kind of infection can be caused by both viruses and bacteria.  When you have conditions where you have high exposure to respiratory pathogens and airborne toxins, for example from bushfires and smoke drift, along with acute or chronic stress, then you have a recipe for higher and more severe incidents of URI's and aggravated allergies.

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Stress. Is it really all that bad?

Stress.  It’s a term we are all too familiar with.  Over time it has come to mean different things to different people; it is synonymous with mental pressure, but that's not the end of the story.

Stress is a normal part of life that is designed to motivate us, keep us safe and help us to learn and grow.  But it can also cause us significant problems.

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Mary-Leigh Scheerhoorn
The cost of overweight and obesity in the workplace

Excess body weight and lack of physical activity is known to contribute to chronic health conditions.   Australia ranks in the worst third of OECD countries for obesity among people over the age of 15 with a whopping 63% of Australians said to be either overweight or obese.  And this trend is on the increase; back in 2004 - 2005, the National Health Survey indicated that just over half of us (54%) were classified as overweight or obese.  We have a growing problem (pun intended).

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I’m shifting gears and I’m excited!

December is often considered a time of endings because its the month that closes off the year that's gone. I prefer to think of it as a time of new beginnings as its the month when many people and organisations are starting their planning for the year ahead.

With that in mind, I want to share some of the changes that are happening with Genesis Health & Lifestyle Solutions and what that means for you, my loyal clients and followers.

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